How To Use Your Social Media Marketing Suite
Your Social Media Posting / Marketing Suite is pretty straight forward and easy to use, and should be intuitive and something you can easily experiment with but here are a few suggestions.

Your magic link is right here at the top of the dashboard, This link is automatically built into each of the image posts below, but for a custom post or if you plan on putting up your own text or a video this magic link will need to be a part of that post, so when your follower clicks thru to the download page, you automatically get credit for the sale.

You can browse via “All Posts” or or select by category or campaign. The campaign just selects which post goes to what Landing Page. All of these landing pages will work with your magic link so you get credit for it no matter where they end up downloading the link and purchasing a premium subscription. Each post has some descriptive copy with it…and of course to be most effective you will want to add your comments on the post.

After you’ve selected your post, you just click on the media site you want to place it and it opens the posting page and you insert it as part of your story or timeline. Note… it will only grab the title of post and you can copy and insert the rest of the text and then add your own comments to the post. Remember the more you tell your story the more compelling and interest it will create among your followers.


Posting videos is a similar process, but the magic link cannot be automatically embedded in the post for you so you would just add it to your post along with a description and invite to go to the download / landing page. Just cop the video link and it will post into your social media site with the Thumbnail – then copy and paste the text.
You can take the copy from the image post and create additional text ads. You also can download the images and put them up on your own websites and other social media web sites. As long as your affiliate link (magic link as we call it is attached) you will get credit for the sale if they purchase within the next 90 days.